iCloud Remove Sold by English

How to Know All Details Related to iCloud Removal Request Step by Step

 In this article, we will explain how to know all details related to iCloud removal request step by step quickly and easily through the attached images.

Step One: Checking the Phone Status

 We send a "Check Sold by" and "Case History" request to know the phone's status


After checking "Sold by" and "Case History," we focus on 5 points in the check:

Information  Meaning
SOLD-By Determines where the phone was sold.
COUNTRY Determines the country where the phone was sold.
STATUS iCloud Indicates the iCloud status, such as whether it's clean or stolen.
STATUS SIM LOCK Indicates the network lock status, whether it's locked or not, and if it's locked, it displays the name of the company the device is locked to.
Indicates whether there are specific cases on the device or not, and if there are cases, they are removed to enable iCloud removal, but if there are no cases, you can submit an iCloud removal request properly.


In the attached image, the phone information appears as follows:


Country  United Arab Emirates
Find My iPhone Enabled (ON) the phone has iCloud
iCloud  Clean

This information indicates that the phone:

1- Was sold from a store different from stores like Amazon or Apple.
2- Belongs to the United Arab Emirates in the Middle East region.
3- iCloud is enabled.
4- The phone is clean and not stolen or lost.
5- The phone is usable on the network without restrictions, and there are no outstanding bills.
6- There are no previous case instances recorded for the device.

After verifying this information, we move on to the second stage:

1- Choose the appropriate service.
2- Look for the service related to the Middle East.
3- Confirm the service details, such as the device type, success rate of the service, expected completion time, and price



After determining the desired service, we move on to the fourth stage:

1- Read the service description carefully.
2- Enter the phone's serial number (IMEI) or device serial number (SN) if the device is an iPad, iWatch, or MacBook.
3- Copy the GSX check information and paste it into the "Sold By Info" field.
4- If you cannot select the correct service, we can contact the support team to assist in choosing the appropriate service.
5- Agree to the service terms.
6- Submit the request.



Please note that if there are previous case instances in the check, you should follow the dedicated article for that

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